The Federal University of Technology, Akure, FUTA played host to the Joint University Preliminary Examinations Board’s Annual workshop at the Obafemi Awolowo Auditorium of the institution. The conference, with participants from various Universities and with the theme ‘Navigating Diverse Learning Methodology to foster Academic Excellence of JUPEB Students” held between 12 and 13th, March 2024.
In a keynote address delivered by the vice Chancellor, Professor Adenike Oladiji, who was represented by the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Professor Taiwo Amos, she said the programme was in consonance with FUTA’s vision to be a world class University of Technology. The Vice Chancellor said such a vision can only be achieved with world class work force; therefore, the workshop would help in the development of one of the programs of the University.
The Vice Chancellor said the critical role of navigating diverse learning methodology for the students in ensuring excellent performance and competitiveness of the program cannot be overemphasized. She enjoined all participants to seize the opportunity of the conference to learn new methods and skills. The Vice chancellor commended the Centre for Continuing Education, of FUTA for organizing and hosting the event.
The Registrar of JUPEB, Professor Solomon Okunuga , in his address said teaching is dynamic process that requires an array of methods to meet the diverse learning needs of students. Professor Okunuga identified teaching methods as traditional lecture style presentations, interactive discussions, hands on active and technology-based tools. He said it could be teacher centered, and learner centered, content-focused methods and interactive or participative methods.
While describing the various methods of learning, Professor Okunuga defined inclusive learning method as equitable-focused teaching in which tutors create a learning environment where all students regardless of ethnicity, disabilities, gender and sexual orientation and background are included in the scheme of things. He further identified features of inclusive teaching to include, focus on boosting and maintaining student motivation, provides students with a sense of belonging, offers an open and welcoming environment and promotes active listening. He said the benefits of inclusive method, are improvement of student’s self-confidence, participation levels, engagement levels, and improves attitude toward school and education.
Welcoming participants earlier, Director, Centre for Continuing Education, FUTA Professor Christiana Oladipo, said FUTA as an institution was pleased to host the conference for seasoned and dedicated educators who relentlessly strive to ensure the actualization of JUPEB mandate and vision. Professor Oladipo stated that the workshop would avail participants the opportunity of knowledge sharing with subject facilitators and counterparts from other institution all in a bid to ensure improved teaching enhancement.
“The Joint Universities Preliminary Examinations Board (JUPEB) is a national examinations body approved by the Federal Government of Nigeria in December 2013. It was formally established in April 2014 by a consortium of ten (10) partnering universities led by the University of Lagos. The board has the responsibility of conducting common and standard examinations for the candidates, who have been exposed to a minimum of one-year approved courses in the different Universities’ Foundation and/or Diploma Programmes and are seeking Direct Entry admissions into university courses at the 200 Level in Nigerian and partnering foreign universities.”