FUTA Overview

University Schedule of Duties 2018


  1. Schedule of Duties of the Vice Chancellor

The Vice Chancellor is:

  1. The Executive and Academic Head of the University.
  2. The Ex-Officio Chairman of Senate and Congregation,
  3. The Ex-Officio Member of Council and all its Committees
  4. The Ex-Officio member of Convocation.
  5. Responsible for providing academic and administrative leadership and ensuring the good management of the University.
  6. The coordinator and manager of human, monetary and material resources of the University.
  7. To advise Council on any matter affecting the policy, finance and administration of the University,
  8. Responsible for advancing the academic reputation, global standing, and championing the strategic direction of the University.
  9. Responsible to Council for maintaining efficient and good orderliness in the University and for ensuring the proper enforcement of Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations.
  10. To lead, motivate and inspire administrative associates, academic and non-teaching staff as well as students to work towards the central purpose of the University to advance learning and talents.
  11. The Chief Accounting Officer of the University and responsible to Council for the general discipline of University Staff.
  12. Responsible for the discipline of students and for the general security of the University.

The Vice-Chancellor shall undertake any other duties that will promote the growth and development of the University in a conducive atmosphere.

B.   Deputy Registrar, Office of the Vice Chancellor

  1. Responsible to the Vice Chancellor for general administrative matters in the Office including supervision of staff and equipment in the Vice Chancellor's Office.
  2. Assisting the Vice Chancellor in the checking of routine mails and attending to such memos and issues as directed by the Vice Chancellor.
  3. Liaising with the appropriate Departments or Agencies for the proper maintenance of all the office facilities and equipment in the Vice Chancellor's Office.
  4. Ensuring follow up actions on decisions of the University Management as required, or any special Committee or working parties appointed by the Vice Chancellor.
  5. Ensuring that the Vice Chancellor is at all times briefed of Boards and University Committee(s) (at which the Vice-Chancellor did not preside).
  6. Making arrangements in liaison with other designated officers for the reception and accommodation of University dignitaries during special occasions such as Council meetings, Convocation and University Lectures, etc.
  7. Preparing draft reports as directed by the Vice-Chancellor from time to time.
  8. Organising meetings and covering of such meetings as directed by the Vice-Chancellor in his office.
  9. Performing such other duties as directed by the Vice-Chancellor from time to time.

C.  Administrative Officers in the Vice Chancellor’s Office

Responsible to the Deputy Registrar on the general administration of the Vice Chancellor’s Office

D.  Chief Executive Officer/Other Executive/Clerical Officers

  1. Overseeing the receipt and dispatch of mails.
  2. Record-keeping, filing and retrieval of documents.
  3. Operating the photocopiers and the copy printer machines in producing and reproduction of mails, forms and speeches.
  4. Overseeing the operation of the archives.
  5. Liaison as may be required with the service agents for the repairs and maintenance of office equipment.
  6. Serves as Secretary to the University Space Allocation Committees.
  7. In-charge of the Departmental Store.
  8. Assisting the Personal Secretary to the Vice Chancellor in the supervision of staff.
  9. Performing such other duties as may be assigned from time to time by the Vice Chancellor.





  1. Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic)

            Responsible to the Vice-Chancellor for all academic matters such as:

  1. Academic administration;
  2. Curriculum development;
  3. Examinations;
  4. Admissions and other Academic matters;
  5. Any other matters as may be assigned to him from time-to-time by the Vice-Chancellor.


  1. Administrative Assistant (Deputy Vice-Chancellor-Academic)
  1. Responsible to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) for the day-to- day running of the office.
  2. Serving as Secretary to relevant Committees as may be appointed/directed.
  3. Controls and supervises the staff and equipment in the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic)’s Office including secretarial, clerical and other supporting staff.
  4. Carrying out any other duties as may be assigned from time-to-time by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic).


C.   Higher Executive Officer

  1. Overseeing the receipt and dispatch of mails.
  2. Record-keeping, filing and retrieval of documents.
  3. Operating the photocopiers and the copy printer machines in producing and reproduction of mails, forms and speeches.
  4. Overseeing the operation of the archives.
  5. In charge of the departmental store
  6. Liaison as may be required with the service agents for the repairs and maintenance of office equipment.
  7. Assisting the confidential Secretary to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) in the supervision of staff.
  8. Performing such other duties as may be assigned from time to time by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic).




  1. Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Development)

            Responsible to the Vice-Chancellor for all development matters such as:

  1. Exchange and linkage programmes both local and international;
  2. Fund raising;
  3. Liaising with external agencies and Non-Governmental Organisations;
  4. Working with the alumni for the purpose of realizing the goals of the University;
  5. Carrying out functions dealing with need-driven research;
  6. Any other matters as may be referred to him by the Vice-Chancellor from time-to-time.


  1. Administrative Assistant (Deputy Vice-Chancellor-Development)
  1. Responsible to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Development) for the day-to-day administration of the office.
  2. Controls and supervises the staff and equipment in the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Development)'s office, including Secretarial, Clerical and other supporting staff.
  3. Serving as Secretary to relevant Committees as may be appointed/directed
  4. Carries out any other duties as may be assigned from time to time by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Development).


  1. Principal Technical Officer
  1. Routine checks of University facilities and buildings
  2. Preparation of weekly reports on facilities
  3. Ensure satisfactory delivery and installation of facilities
  4. Ensure proper cleanliness and sanitation of the University environment
  5. Ensure proper maintenance of University buildings
  6. Monitoring efficient and proper waste disposal
  7. Supervision of procurement processes as may be directed by DVC(D).
  8. Carries out any other duties as may be assigned from time to time by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Development).


  1. Higher Executive Officer
  1. Overseeing the receipt and dispatch of mails.
  2. Record-keeping, filing and retrieval of documents.
  3. Operating the photocopiers and the copy printer machines in producing and reproduction of mails, forms and speeches.
  4. Overseeing the operation of the archives.
  5. Liaison as may be required with the service agents for the repairs and maintenance of office equipment.
  6. In-charge of the Departmental Store.
  7. Assisting the Personal Secretary to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Development) in the supervision of staff.
  8. Performing such other duties as may be assigned from time to time by the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Development).





  1. Registrar
  1. The Registrar is the Chief Administrative Officer of the University and Secretary to the Council, the Senate, Congregation and Convocation and their Committees for which he may appoint Officers to act on his/her behalf.
  2. Responsible to the Vice Chancellor, for the day to day administration of the University.
  3. Responsible for all University external communications, advertisement, announcement and general correspondences.
  4. Responsible for the harmonization of the work of the School Officers in the various Schools within the content of the University, although the School Officers are responsible to their respective Deans for the day-to-day administration of the affairs of the Schools.
  5. Responsible for the determination of all personnel matters including the interpretation of all staff entitlements under the staff regulations.
  6. Serves as member/secretary to relevant Committees of Management as may be appointed.


  1. Principal Assistant Registrar

Responsible to the Registrar in overseeing the general administration of the Registrar’s Office and performing the following:

  1. Coordination and supervision of all activities of staff in the Registrar’s Office.
  2. Preparation of internal and external correspondences for the Registrar.
  3. Attend Principal Officers’ meeting for necessary dissemination of decisions taken as appropriate.
  4. Organize Registrar’s meetings with Heads of Units in the Registry, Administrative Staff, other Departments/Units in the University and visitors to the University.
  5. Prepare and review the University Yellow Pages.
  6. Prepare the Registrar’s speeches/papers at occasions as appropriate.
  7. Supervision of the National Youth Service Corps members in the performance of their duties in the Office.
  8. Preparation of monthly clearance and running list for the Corps members in the Registrar’s Office.
  9. Attends to official mails as may be directed by the Registrar from time to time.
  10. Handles all staff and non-staff petitions made to the Registrar.
  11. Perform any other responsibilities as may be directed by the Registrar from time to time.


  1. Administrative Officers


The following are the schedule of duties of an Administrative Officer in the Registrar’s office:

  1. Responsible to the Registrar for the day-to-day running of the office.
  2. Assists the Registrar on official correspondences.
  3. Daily management of the Registrar’s email account by checking incoming mails, responding to mails and sending out mails as directed.
  4. Secretary to meetings with Registry's Divisional Heads, Registry Staff and other meetings appertaining to the administrative functions.
  5. Attending to staff and student’s complaints.
  6. Facilitator of IT needs and services in the Registrar’s office 
  7. Proofreading and crosschecking of documents
  8. Arranging and covering Committee and intra-departmental meetings
  9. Handles all matters relating to Staff Identity Cards.
  10. Perform any other duties as may be directed by the Registrar.




  1. Director, DEHR (Head of Division)

Responsible to the Registrar for:

  1. The preparation of papers for and the servicing of the meetings of the University's Appointments and Promotions Committees; matters  relating to the appointment, promotion, confirmation, transfer, resignation, discipline and retirement of staff.
  2. All categories of staff matters relating to annual leave, study leave, staff development, sabbatical leave and other types of leave.
  3. Preparation of periodic reports to Council on matters relating to the appointments, promotions, discipline, educational leave, staff welfare etc.
  4. Provision of Secretaries for all interviews and assessment Panels for the appointments of all categories of staff
  5. Provision of Secretaries to all ad-hoc committees such as investigation and disciplinary panels involving staff;
  6. Provision of Secretaries at meetings between the Management and Trade Unions in the University;
  7. Maintenance of records and periodic preparation of staff statistics;
  8. Preparation of letters of appointments and other matters relating to the welfare of staff;
  9. Serving as member/secretary to the University Board of Trustees on Gratuity and Pensions;
  10. Arranging for accommodation for the University's guests;
  11. Recommending caterers for provision of lunch and refreshment for University approved meetings;
  12. Any other assignment as may be directed by the Vice Chancellor and the Registrar.


  1. Desk Officer in Charge of Junior Staff Matters

            Responsible to the Director, DEHR for:

  1. The preparation of papers for and servicing of the meeting of the Appointments and Promotions Committee (Junior Staff);
  2. Dealing with matters relating to the promotions, confirmation of appointments, transfers, resignation and retirement of Junior Staff;
  3. Matters relating to annual leave and study leave of Junior Staff;
  4. Preparation of periodic reports to Council on matters relating to the appointments, promotions, study leave etc of Junior Staff;
  5. Acting as Secretary to all interview and assessment panels for the appointment of Junior Staff;
  6. Acting as Secretary to all Ad-Hoc Committees such as Investigation Panel and Disciplinary Panel on Junior Staff;
  7. Acting as secretary at meetings between the Management and the Non-Academic Staff Union;
  8. Any other duties that may be assigned by the Director, DEHR or the Registrar,



  1. Desk Officer in Charge of Academic Staff Matters

Responsible to the Director, DEHR for:

  1. The preparation of papers for and servicing of the meetings of the University's Appointments and Promotions Committee (Academic).
  2. Matters relating to the confirmation of appointments, promotions, transfers, resignation and retirement of all academic staff.
  3. The preparation of periodic reports to Council on matters relating to the appointments, promotions and matters relating to the appointments, promotions, study leave of members of academic staff.
  4. Preparation of letters of appointments and matters relating to the welfare and claims of Associate and part-time Lecturers.
  5. Acting as Secretary to ad-hoc committees such as investigation and disciplinary panels involving academic staff.
  6. Serves as Secretary to all interview and assessment panels for the appointment of members of academic staff.
  7. Serves as Secretary at meetings between the Management and ASUU in the University.
  8. Any other assignment as may be directed by the Director, DEHR or the Registrar.


  1. Desk Officer in Charge of Administrative & Professional Staff Matters

Responsible to the Director, DEHR for:

  1. Preparation of papers for servicing the meetings of the Appointments and Promotions Committee (Administrative and Professional Staff);
  2. Dealing with matters relating to the promotions, confirmation of appointments, transfers, resignation and retirement of Administrative and Professional Staff;
  3. Preparation of periodic reports to Council on matters relating to appointments and promotions of Administrative and Professional Staff;
  4. Acting as Secretary to all interview and assessment panels for the appointment of Administrative and Professional Staff;
  5. Acting as Secretary to all ad-hoc committees such as Investigation and disciplinary panels on Administrative and Professional Staff;
  6. Acting as Secretary at meetings between the Management and the Senior Staff Unions;
  7. Dealing with matters relating to NYSC members posted to the University;
  8. Facilitating the induction of newly recruited staff;
  9. Any other assignment by the Registrar as may be necessary from time to time.


  1. Desk Officer in Charge of Staff Development & Training

            Responsible to the Director, DEHR for:

  1. Collecting and processing of application for Staff Development and award service forms for the attention of Appointments and Promotions Committee;
  2. Conducting surveys of training needs and formulation of organizational training policies;
  3. Preparation of training plan in line with University policies;
  4. Follow-up to implementation of training programmes;
  5. Matters relating to study Leave, Sabbatical Leave for academic, administrative and technical staff;
  6. Dealing with matter relating to NYSC, Industrial Trainees posted to the University.
  7. Performing other duties as may be assigned by the Registrar and Director, DEHR.


  1. Desk Officer in Charge of Records, Statistics and Pension

            Responsible to the Director, DEHR for: (Staff Records, Pension and Statistics)

  1. Updating and keeping of staff records and statistics;
  2. Preparing periodic reports on staff records and statistics;
  3. Handling pension and gratuity matters;
  4. Preparation of relevant papers on staff disengagement and processing of document for payment of final entitlements;
  5. Servicing the meetings of the Board of Trustees of the Unified Staff  pension and Gratuity Scheme and any other Committee of the Board;
  6. Performing other duties as may be assigned by the Registrar and the Director, DEHR.


  1. Desk Officer, Staff Welfare

Responsible to the Director, DEHR for:

  1. Arranging for accommodation for University’s guests.
  2. Recommending caterers for provision of lunch and refreshment for University approved meetings.
  3. Any other assignment as may be directed by the Registrar and Director of Establishments and Human Resource. 




  1. The Director, Academic Affairs
  1. Responsible to the Registrar for the day-to-day administration and co-ordination of the activities of the Units in the Academic Affairs Division.
  2. Responsible to the Registrar for preparation of documents for Statutory and Special Meetings of Senate.
  3. Preparation of draft minutes of the Statutory and Special Meetings of Senate for the attention of the Registrar.
  4. Responsible to the Registrar for the conduct of appropriate elections pertaining to the following:
    • Senate representatives on Council and Senate Committees;
    • Offices of Deans and Sub-Deans.
  5. Co-ordination of the academic functions of the School Officers.
  6. Clearance of final year students leaving the University.
  7. Printing, writing and safe keeping and issuance of all University Certificates.
  8. Responsible to the Registrar on Senate matters as follows:-
    • Preparation of Committee of Deans' Papers;
    • Secretary to the Committee of Deans; and
    • Secretary to the Business Committee of Senate.
  9. Responsible to the Registrar for Undergraduate admissions.
  10. Oversight roles in the administration of academic robes.
  11. Assistance to the Registrar on matters relating to the matriculation of students.
  12. Handling matters pertaining to External Examiners for Undergraduate programmes.
  13. Assistance the Registrar on preparations for University Convocation and Matriculation Ceremonies.
  14. Co-ordination of the academic functions of the School Officers.
  15. To assist in preparations for University Inaugural Lectures.
  16. Secretary, University Admissions Committee (Undergraduate)
  17. Any other assignment as may be directed by the Registrar.




  1. Desk Officer (s), Admissions

Responsible to the Director, Academic Affairs for p

  1. Serving as Assistant Secretary to the University Admissions Committee;
  2. Dealing with all matters relating to undergraduate admission exercise; 
  3. Processing of papers on admission by transfer from other Universities;
  4. Correspondence with prospective candidates on enquiries about admission requirements;
  5. Cross-checking of academic credentials of new students;
  6. Liaising with the Schools on matters relating to registration of students;
  7. Handling of matters relating to preparation of matriculation list and maintenance of matriculation register;
  8. Issuance and safe-keeping of academic robes;
  9. Preparations for University Convocation and Matriculation ceremonies.
  10. Undergraduate admissions matters, as it concerns the Registrar.
  11. Matters relating to the matriculation of students.
  12. Matters pertaining to External Examiners for undergraduate programmes.
  13. Performing other duties as directed by the Registrar or Director, Academic Affairs from time to time



  1.   Desk Officer in charge of Senate Matters

Assistance to the Director of Academic Affairs on Senate and Committee of Deans Matters, and in particular, for:

  1. Preparation of documents for Statutory and Special Meetings of Senate.
  2. Preparation of the minutes of Statutory and Special Meetings of Senate for the attention of the Registrar.
  3. Conduct of the following elections/appointments:

*Senate representatives on Council;

*Senate Committees;

*          Offices of Dean and Sub-Dean; and

  1. Coordination of Senate Matters as follows:-

*Preparation of Committee of Deans' papers;

*Secretary to the Committee of Deans; and

*Secretary to the Business Committee of Senate.

  1. Preparations for University Inaugural Lectures.
  2. Preparation of papers for the Business Committee of Senate;
  3. Preparation of papers for the meetings of Committee of Deans;
  4. Taking follow-up actions on decisions from the meetings of Committee of Deans;
  5. Preparation of papers for discussions at Senate;
  6. Preparation of draft minutes of meetings of Senate;
  7. Preparation of draft extracts of decisions from meetings of Senate;
  8. Taking follow-up actions on Senate decisions; and
  9. Performing other duties as the Registrar or Director, Academic Affairs may direct.

4.         System Analyst/Programmer

System Development including overseeing:

  1. The evaluation/analysis of existing data/record systems, designing, programming and implementation of automated ones with a view to improving on effectiveness and efficiency of information management in the Academic Affairs Office.
  2. The design/maintenance of databases on matriculation Information, Students Enrolment Statistics, Examination Records, and Admissions System as the need may arise in the Division.
  3. Data processing/Systems, Policy/System Management/Training/Supervisory Duties including:
  • Data format conversion
  • Graphical Design and Forms, Proforms and templates such as Student registration forms, Academic transcript forms, Academic transcript forms, Ballot papers for elections, Decision Extract templates and charts.
  • Desktop publishing works on programmes and Order of Proceedings.
  1. Education and training of all computer personnel/user in the Division
  2. Generation of reports/summaries/charts from databases as required.
  3. Maintenance of Smarty Central Database.


Maintenance duties which includes:

  1. Maintenance of Computer Hardware and Peripherals
  2. Maintenance of Software and Data Backups
  3. Upgrade/update processes on Computing Components
  4. Troubleshooting of Computer Devices/Software in the division.
  5. Any other duties given by the Registrar and Director, Academic Affairs from time to time.


5.         System Programmer I

i..         The design and maintenance of database on matriculation and admissions information

ii.         Generation of reports for matriculation list and matriculation register

iii.        Liaising with Computer Resource Centre and Schools on the registration of new students.

iv.        Preparation of Senate electronic papers and its electronic projection at Senate meetings.

v.         Evaluation/analysis of existing data/record systems, designing, programming and implementation of automated ones

vi.        Preparation of correspondence with prospective students on enquiries about admission requirements

vii.       Validation, optimisation, fine-tuning and supervision of all data processing activities

viii.      Enforcement of Information Access Rights and User Authorisation on Data Processing/Systems

ix.        Generation of reports/summaries/charts from database as may be required

x.         Education and training of all computer personnel/user

xi.        Maintenance of computer hardware and accessories

xii.       Maintenance of software and data backups

xiii.      Upgrading/updating of computer components

xiv.      Troubleshooting of computer devices and software




6.         Principal Confidential Secretary II

i.          Co-ordinating all Secretarial duties in the Unit

ii.         Ensuring that draft minutes of meetings of Senate and Committee of Deans are produced on schedule.

iii.        Word processing of memorandum and other correspondence that emanates from the table of Senate Matters and Admissions Officer.

iv.        Preparing materials for Business Committee of Senate

v.         Monitoring and supervising Clerical Officers in the Unit to ensure;

            -  proper filing and retrieval of mails and

            -  keeping proper records of incoming and outgoing mail.

vi.        Other duties, as directed by the Senate Matters and Admission Officer from time to time.




  1. Examinations and Records Officer (ERO)

The Examinations and Records Officer is responsible to the Registrar through the Director, Academic Affairs Division for the day-to-day administration and co-ordination of the activities of the Examinations and Records Office.  The following functions form the major responsibilities of the Examinations and Records Officer:

  1. The administration of all University examinations;
  2. Supervision and  issuance of students’ semester/sessional results;
  3. Preparation and issuance of academic transcripts;
  4. Up-dating regulations and procedure on University examinations.
  5. Examination Administrative moderation.
  6. Compilation of list for bulk purchase and distribution of Examination materials for University examinations.
  7. Writing of Semester Examination Report to the Registrar for Senate consideration.
  8. Clearance for Final Year students leaving the University
  9. The printing, writing, safe-keeping and issuance of all University certificates.
  10. Preparation of lecture and examination time-table in liaison with the representatives of schools on University Time-Table Committee.
  11. Compilation of Invigilators Time-Table.
  12. Identification and physical arrangement of examination halls, in liaison with the Time-Table Committee.
  13. Arrangement in liaison with the Director of Health Services for medical attention during examinations
  14. Attending schools’ Board (and Board of Studies) of examiners meeting.
  15. Processing of Cases of examination malpractices for the attention of appropriate disciplinary committee
  16. Administrative moderation of University scholarships
  17. Issuance of notification of results to students and to their sponsors.
  18. Verification of transcripts and certificates sent from other institutions, employers and agencies;
  19. Writing of reference letter for FUTA graduates seeking employment or assistance outside the University.
  20. Coordinates the Preparation of students’ statistics
  21. Oversees the Verification of students Ordinary ’level as well as National Diploma results
  22. Supervising the systems programmer who handles the:
  23. Evaluation of existing data/record systems
  24. Designing, programming and implementation of automated records.
  25. Maintenance of data base of students’ enrolment statistics, examination records, etc.
  26. Computerization of past students records
  27. Validation, optimization, fine-tuning and supervision of all data processing activities in the Division.
  28.  Supervision of all staff in the office
  29. Any other duties as may be directed by the Director or Registrar from time to time


  1. Desk Officer,  Records & Transcript

He/she is responsible to the ERO for:

  1. Checking, Signing and issuance  of transcripts;
  2. Sending out provisional lecture time table early in each semester;
  3. Sending out provisional examination time table to all Departments at the middle of the semester;
  4. Serving as secretary to the Disciplinary Committee on Examination misconduct
  5. Secretary to the University Time-Table Committee
  6. Other duties as may be assigned by the Examinations and Records Officer


  1. Desk Officer, Examinations & Certificates

He/she is responsible to the ERO for:-

  1. Administration of all University examinations;
  2. Updating regulations on and procedure of university examinations;
  3. Compilation of graduating students lists for certificate writing;
  4. Writing of all certificates;
  5. Issuance of certificates;
  6. Arrangement in liaison with the Director of Health Services for medical attention during examinations;
  7. Preparation of  list of all items for the examination including items to be printed and forward same to the Registrar;
  8. Distribution of examination materials;
  9. Preparation of Examination Report after every Semester Examination for Senate consideration;
  10. Drafting of letters on proficiency in English Language;
  11. Collation of Students Convocation Prizes for Publication;
  12. Preparation of Letter of Award of Students Prizes;
  13. In attendance at  Senate
  14. Other duties as may be assigned by the Examinations and Records Officer especially during semester examinations


  1. Desk Officer, Records

He/she is responsible to the Desk Officer Records & Transcript for

  1. Coordination of cross-checking of O’level and ND results of students;
  2. Verification of results of fresh students;’
  3. Serving as Secretary to the Unit Appointments and Promotions Committee on review of APER forms;
  4. In attendance at Senate;
  5. Other duties assigned by the Examinations and Records Officer especially during semester examinations from time to time.


  1. Desk Officer, Transcripts

He/she is responsible to the Desk Officer Records & Transcript for:

  1. Preparation and vetting of transcripts
  2. Checking of transcripts;
  3. Issuance of Notification of Results to graduating students
  4. Verification of final clearance of graduating students
  5. Other duties as may be assigned by the Examinations and Records Officer especially during semester examinations from time to time.


  1. System Programmer/Analyst

He/she is responsible to the Examinations & Records Officer for the performance of the following:

  1. Central processing of degree results
  2. Design/maintenance of data base of students’ enrolment statistics, examination records, etc.
  3. Overseeing processes of generating transcripts
  4. Issuance of students semester and sessional results;
  5. Computerization of past students’ records
  6. Updating of students’ records for computerization
  7. Preparation of software programmes for use in the Division
  8. Other duties assigned by the Examinations and Records Officer from time to time.


  1. Confidential Secretary

Acts as personal secretary and Officer Manager to the ERO and is responsible for the following:

  1. General Secretarial Duties
  2. Monitoring of In-coming and Out-going mails for ERO
  3. Sending mails through the internet for online transcript & verification of results.
  4. Supervision of the Office Assistant(s)
  5. Supervision of Clerical Officer(s)
  6. Other duties that may be assigned by the Examinations and Records Officer




  1. Council Affairs Officer (Head of Division)
  1. Responsible to the Registrar for Council, Finance and General Purposes Committee, Tenders Board, Convocation and Congregation matters including coverage of meetings, writing of minutes and taking follow-up actions as appropriate.
  2. In charge of the welfare of members of the Governing Council of the University.
  3. Responsible to the Registrar for:
    • Capital Works Committee
    • Minor Works Committee
    • Vice-Chancellor's Tenders Committee matters
    • Coverage of meetings, writing up minutes and taking follow-up actions.
  4. Responsible to the Registrar for general administration matters
  5. Secretary, Management Advisory Committee.
  6. Secretary, Budget Monitoring Committee
  7. Member/Secretary to relevant Committee as may be appointed/directed.
  8. Carrying out other duties as may be directed by the Registrar.


  1. Desk Officer, General Administration

            Assists the Council Affairs Officer in:

  1. Registration of University Contractors and consultants.
  2. General Administration Matters
  3. Co-ordination of University courier and postal services
  4. Carrying out other duties as may be directed by the Council Affairs Officer/Registrar.


  1. Desk Officer, Council Matters
  1. Covering of the meetings of ad-hoc committees and producing their minutes
  2. Follow-up actions on Committee decisions
  3. Drafting of speeches for Registrar
  4. Covering duties of general nature which are not specifically designated to other administrative officers.
  5. Any other assignments by the Council Affairs Officer or Registrar.




1.         Dean of Students Affairs

  1. Responsible to the Vice-Chancellor for the general administration of students;
  2. The Chairman of Students' Welfare Board;
  3. Initiation of  ideas towards formulation of the University policies, management, welfare and control of students;
  4. Implementation of University policies on students' welfare matters;
  5. Implementation of the University guidelines concerning students' life in the halls of residence;
  6. Operation and supervision of counselling unit that monitors, guides and advices students on their social and welfare matters;
  7. Co-ordination of the duties of the hall masters, wardens and porters;
  8. Maintenance of peace and order in the halls of residence, in the classrooms and in University community generally;
  9. Control of students' welfare matters in and out of the campus including their sporting activities.

2.         Students Affairs Officer

  1. Responsible to the Dean of Students for the day-to-day Administration of the Students Affairs Division.
  2. Liaison with all Service Departments, Hall Masters and Workers on  matters affecting Students Welfare
  3. Liaison with members of the Students Union Executive on all matters relating to the general running of the Union.
  4. Publication of Students Handbook of Information and any other Students publications.
  5. Responsible for Students Union Election and Swearing-in-Ceremony.
  6. Responsible for students’ activities relating to Convocation for award of degrees and prizes.
  7. Responsible for processing of applications and the allocation of Halls of Residence, preparation of Hall lists and non-residential student lists.
  8. Responsible for the consideration of students’ orientation activities.
  9. Identification of students and issuance of students, identification cards.
  10. Responsible for organizing alumni activities during the Convocation Week.
  11. Responsible for arrangement for scholarship interviews and preparation of list of scholarship holders.
  12. Students guidance and counseling services
  13. Preparation of students’ master list for National Youth Service Corps.
  14. Supervision of senior and junior staff Of the Division
  15. Other assignments as specified by the Dean of Students, Registrar or the Vice-Chancellor from time to time.             -


  1. Coordinator,  Guidance & Counselling Unit
  1. Responsible to the Dean for General Counselling and supervision of counselling services in the University.
  2. Rendering of individual and group counselling services to staff/students.
  3. Assisting in the conduct of annual orientation programme for fresh students.
  4. Liaison with Schools/Departments/Health Services Department on behalf of students on specific references.
  5. Providing group guidance talk/seminars for students on specific topical issues.
  6. Facilitating of special consultative/collaborative meetings with staff/students in the Schools/Departments for crisis intervention/resolution.
  7. Providing support/rehabilitative counselling service to students on poor academic standing.
  8. Handling of students with special counselling needs and conduct of appropriate referrals e.g. International Students, High Risk Students and Psychiatric cases.
  9. Preparation of regular report of statistics of students on - guidance and counselling activities in the University.
  10. Consultation/liaison with parents/wards on specific references i.e. condolence trips/parents forum.
  11. Provision of information service on a wide area of personal/social and academic counselling through paper cuttings, flyers, write ups and cartoons e.g. HIV/AIDS, sexual harassment, examination, ethics, etc.         
  12. Responsible for matters relating to careers including carriers talks with representatives of outside bodies handling of referrals cases from Senate Committees  and other University organs on counselling matters for staff and students.
  13. Assistance on annual Students Union Elections.
  14. Assistance onforeign students matters.
  15. Any other administrative duties assigned by the Dean/Registrar.


  1. Guidance Counselling Officer 1& II

Responsible to the Coordinator Guidance and counselling Unit for the following:

  1. Assisting the coordinator Guidance and counselling Unit in the implementation of Guidance and Counselling services.
  2. Rendering of individual and group counselling services to staff/students.
  3. Assisting in the conduct of annual orientation programmes for fresh students.
  4. Liaison with School/Departments/Health Services/Department on behalf of students on specific references.
  5. Providing group guidance talk/seminars for students on specific topical issues.
  6. Facilitating of special consultative/collaborative meetings with staff/students in the Schools/Departments for crisis intervention/resolution.
  7. The provision of academic support/rehabilitative counselling service for students on poor academic standing.
  8. The handling of students with special counselling needs and conduct of appropriate referrals, e.g. International Students, High Risk Students and Psychiatric cases and disabled students.
  9. Preparation of regular report of statistics of students ()I) guidance and counselling activities in the University.
  10. Consultation/liaison with parents/wards on specific references i.e. condolence trips/parents forum
  11. Information service on a wide area of personal/social and academic counselling through paper cutting, flyers, write ups and cartons e.g. HIV / AIDS, Sexual harassment, examination, ethics, etc.
  12. Matters relating to careers including career talks with representatives of outside bodies.
  13. Handling of referrals cases from Senate Committees and other University organs on counselling matters for staff/students.
  14.  Annual Students Union Elections.
  15. Any other administrative duties assigned by the Dean of Students from time to time.


  1. Desk Officer, Students Welfare, Clubs and Societies
  1. Assisting the Students Affairs Officer in handling Students Welfare Board meeting.
  2. Assisting the Students Affairs Officer in handling students identity cards
  3. Registration of Students' Clubs/Societies.
  4. Providing individual and group counselling for students.
  5. Secretary to Panel and Ad-hoc Committees
  6. Assisting the Coordinator, Guidance and Counselling Unit in organizing Guidance Seminars for the students and the University Community.
  7. Assisting the Students Affairs Officer-in the conduct of Students Union Elections.
  8. Allocation of Commercial spaces in the Halls of Residence.
  9. Any other duties assigned by the Dean of Students and Students Affairs Officer.


  1. Desk Officer {Off Campus (Bureau Housing)}

Responsible to the Students Affairs Officer for:

  1. Settling of disputes among students living off-campus
  2. Settling of disputes between students living off-campus and their landlords;
  3. Assisting the students to find suitable accommodation off-campus;
  4. Protecting the interest of students by ensuring that landlords provide basic facilities in their buildings.
  5. Protecting the interest of landlords by ensuring that students do not vandalise the properties of their landlords and also ensuring that they pay their rents as at when due.
  6. All other matters relating to the welfare of students living off campus.
  7. Assisting the Students Affairs Officer on issues relating to the Management and Maintenance Committee as they affect the Students Halls of Residence.
  8. Performing other general administrative duties assigned by the Dean of Students from time to time.


  1. Desk Officer, Students Services/National Youth Service Corps.
  1. Assisting the Students Affairs Officer on matters relating to NYSC and students' Mobilisation for participation in the National Youth Service.
  2. Preparation of Students' Master List for the Directorate of National Youth Service Corps.
  3. Handling administrative processes on allocation of Students to the Halls of Residence.
  4. Assisting in the arrangement of the meetings of the University stakeholders and servicing the meetings.
  5. Assisting the Students Affairs Officer on issues relating to the University Ceremonial Committees and Students activities relating to Matriculation and Convocation.
  6. Other administrative duties as may be assigned by the Registrar, the Dean of Students Affairs or the Students Affairs Officer,


  1. Desk Officer, Students Record and Statistics

            Responsible to the Students Affairs Officer for:

  1. Processing of students identity cards
  2. Supervision of staff responsible for the production of Students Identity Cards/printing machine.  
  3. Performing other general administrative duties as may be assigned by the, Dean of Students or the Students Affairs Officer


7.         Supervisors in the Halls of Residence

  1. Ensure that all the electrical and plumbing accessories in the pumping station are in good condition and intact.
  2. Ensure prompt and adequate supply of water in the Hostels.
  3. Monitor and report any unusual activities in the hostels to superiors.
  4. Keep and maintain the store in the halls of residence
  5. Keep record of students allocated to bed spaces in the     halls.
  6. Students complaints and attend to them.
  7. See to the overall cleanliness of the Hall.
  8. See to the overall welfare of the students in the Hall
  9. Drawing of weekly roaster for the porters.
  10. Keeping register of damages in the halls for surcharge    and replacement by room occupants.


8.         Housekeeper

  1. Supervision of the Staff in the Hall.
  2. Given instructions to Staff for the performance and management of the halls of residence.
  3. Maintaining law and order in the halls of residence.
  4. Daily inspection of work of the cleaners in the halls and the surroundings.
  5. Intimate the hall warden and the Dean of Students about information about crime, problems, facilities health issues and general maintenance of the building.
  6. Interacting with the Hall Chairman concerning   things pertaining to the students’ welfare.


9.         Portersin Hall of Residence

  1. Works under the supervisor of house keeper in   performing day-to-day duties in the hall.
  2. Listen to students’ complaints and records such in the Daily occurrence register for onward transmission to the warden by the House-keeper.
  3. Carries out a continual patrol of the Blocks with strictobservation of all goings on in the Hall and premises and reports incidents promptly through house-keeper.
  4. Control ingress into and egress out of hall and enforce general compliance with Hall regulations.
  5. Receives visitors and ejects intruders from the hall.
  6. Ensures that law and order is maintained.
  7. Daily inspection of work of the cleaners, toilets, bathroom and surroundings.
  8. Check students into and out of the Hall.
  9. Ensure that municipal facilities in the Hall are provided as at when due.
  10. Supervise the hygiene and environment in the Hall.
  11. Liaise with the health centre in matters relating to health of students in the halls.
  12. Report all faults structural, electrical and plumbing torelevant authority.






  1. Bursar
  1. He is responsible to the Vice-Chancellor for the:
  1. Day to day Financial Administration of the University.
  2. Financial planning, .investments, purchasing and supplies, salary administration and banking operations of the University.
  3. Preparation of annual accounts.
  4. Preparation of annual budgets.
  5. Control of University expenditure.
  6. Management and control of stores, local and overseas.
  1. Advises the Vice-Chancellor on all financial matters
  2. Designs Accounting Manual,
  3. Implements the University Financial Regulations
  4. In attendance at Council and Committee of Council Meetings
  5. Controls and supervises of Bursary Department staff
  6. Any other duties assigned by the Vice-Chancellor from time to time.


  1. Deputy Bursar

The Deputy Bursar is responsible to the Bursar for the day-to-day activities of the Bursary Department as follows:

  1. Supervising all the activities in the Cash Office such as maintenance of adequate records for all collections and payments of money to customers. Timely preparation of schedules, weekly cash flows and revenue analysis and updating of cash books.
  2. Supervising all Units in the Bursary to ensure the attainment of set goals
  3. Complementing the efforts of the Bursar in the discharge of Departmental and Institutional activities.
  4. Representing Bursar in Committee and any meeting as instructed
  5. Ensuring that Final Accounts Unit update all ledgers promptly and prepares monthly trial balance and prepare the financial statements at the end of the University financial year.
  6. Ensuring that Salaries and Wages Unit prepares staff salaries as at when due and all variations are correctly treated.
  7. Monitoring the activities of Students Accounts Unit and the Centre for Continuing Education to ensure that all records are maintained and promptly updated.
  8. Monitoring the activities of Loans and Advances Unit as well as the Creditors Unit to ensure that their schedules are timely prepared.
  9. Monitoring the duties performed by the Accounting Staff in the Staff Primary and Staff Secondary Schools to ensure that adequate accounting records are maintained and to ensure that periodic checks are carried out on the records maintained.       .
  10. Treating all correspondences from the office to the Bursar.
  11. Assisting the Bursar in the preparation of reports and any other information as may be requested by the University Management, National Universities Commission (NUC) and other relevant agencies/ministries of government as may be directed. .
  12. Attending some Committee and Board Meetings on behalf of the Bursar.
  13. Acting for Bursar when on leave and on official assignment.
  14. Collecting Security documents (cheque books, share certificates etc.) from University bankers on behalf of the Bursar.
  15. Submitting cheque schedules to the Central Bank of Nigeria (Akure Branch) on behalf of the Bursar.
  16. Attending to other official matters as may be directed by the Bursar.




1. Desk Officer/Chief Accountant, Final Accounts (Head of Unit)

            Responsible to the Bursar through the Deputy Bursar as follows:

  1. General supervision of the preparation of Financial Reports of the University and Final Accounts Unit staff.
  2. Attending to University Auditors both external and those from the Federal Government.
  3. Any other duty that may be assigned by the Bursar and the Deputy Bursar
  4. Writing of overseas cash book' accounts
  5. Preparation of bank reconciliation statements
  6. Checking of receipts against pay-in-slips/bank tellers.
  7. Extraction of working paper.
  8. Posting of transactions from Primary books to the General Ledger.
  9. Extraction of trial balances.       .
  10. Production of end of year draft accounts.
  11. Liaising with banks and external auditors.
  12. Supervision of Final Accounts Unit.
  13. Maintenance of stores ledger.
  14. Extraction of students caution and breakages fees and preparation of the schedules.
  15. Any other duty that may be assigned by the Bursar and the Deputy Bursar


2. Principal Accountant

  1. Preparation of Final Accounts i. e. Income and Expenditures and Balance sheet at the end of the financial year with supporting schedules.
  2. Reconciling all the Subsidiary ledger balances with the control in the General ledger
  3. Raising of journals and adjustments to the final Account figure.
  4. Reconciling of Bank Account.
  5. Liaising with other units in the department to obtain the following schedules on monthly basis for incorporation into the General Ledger towards generating monthly Trial Balance for end of the year preparation of the yearly Financial Reports.
  6. Preparation of University’s Draft Financial Reports.
  7. Preparation of Trial Balance.
  8. Posting of Journal Vouchers into General Ledger.
  9. Detail report on Stock taking exercise.
  10. Collation of cash and bank balances from Reconciliation Unit.
  11. Preparing Note to the Draft Account.
  12. Collation of soft copy of Payment Cash books from Cash Office to prepare payment journals.
  13. Collation of soft copy of Undergraduate receipt cash books to prepare receipt journals
  14. Reconciliation of General ledger balances of bank accounts with Cashbook balances.
  15. Collation of soft copy of CCE payment cashbooks to prepare payment journals.
  16. Posting of Payroll journals into General ledger and ensure reconciliation of actual payments.


3.  Assistant Chief Confidential Secretary

Draft letters, memoranda and word processing same.

Prepare incoming and receive outgoing mails from my Boss and send same to the appropriate quarters.

Ensure confidentiality and security of information.

Perform official duties on-line by working on internet.

Receive and attend to visitors.

Taking minutes of meeting and word processing same.

Keeping messages for my Boss.

Perform duties of Administrative Officer in the Bursary.

Ensure availability of stationery items and control same.

Taking care of office equipment.

Attending to complaints from students and direct them to the appropriate quarters.

Prepare and receive office imprest.

Organizing my Boss office

Supervision of subordinates

Any other duty as may be assigned by superiors



1. Desk officer, Budget and Expenditure Control(Head of Unit)

            Responsible to the Bursar through the Deputy Bursar as follows:

  1. Maintenance of vote books for both Capital and Recurrent accounts, i.e. vote books for capital projects, personal emoluments, University research grants, laboratory and teaching equipment, recurrent account and external research grant.
  2. Preparation and production of the annual University Budget
  3. Preparation of the operating budget and estimate of recurrent expenditure to the NUC.
  4. Preparation of quarterly/half yearly Budget Performance Analysis Report for the Bursar
  5. Co-ordination of the Budget Hearing meetings
  6. Supervision of Expend