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FUTA student wins NCDMB National Undergraduate Essay Competition

Emmanuel Jesuferanmi Ojedele a 200-level student of the Department of Architecture, Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA), has emerged winner of the 2024 edition of the Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board (NCDMB) Annual National Undergraduate Essay Competition from a pool of 2000 undergraduates from across the country. Emmanuel bested 10 other finalists and was declared the winner at the 8th award and prize-giving ceremony held at the NCDMB Tower, Ox-Bow Lake, Yenagoa.

The FUTA undergraduate got a cash prize of ?1 million , a brand-new laptop, and a golden plaque as the winner of the competition. Miracle Okoli, a 200-level Law student at Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, from Anambra State, came second and received ?750,000, a brand-new laptop, and a plaque. Okogbe Mary, a 19-year-old student at Igbinedion University, Okada, Edo State, who is in her second year studying Electrical received ?500,000, a brand-new laptop, and a plaque for coming third.

Speaking at the grand finale of the 2024 edition, the Executive Secretary of NCDMB, Engr. Felix Omatsola Ogbe, congratulated all the participants in the competition, particularly the top 10 finalists and the overall winner. Represented by the board’s general manager of corporate communications, Esueme Dan-Kikile, Ogbe expressed his satisfaction that the programme had become another signature event for NCDMB, comparable to their Science Quiz Competition for High School students, which was conceived to stimulate interest in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education.

According to him,: “the annual national undergraduates’ essay competition is one of NCDMB’s multiple interventions to lift the standard of education in Nigeria. It aims to promote proficiency in writing, awareness of local content and its benefit to the national economy, and to engender citizen engagement from the undergraduate level."

In his welcome address, Mr. Eyinimi Omorizi, the Chief Executive Officer of Mahogany 21st Century Concepts Limited, the organisers of the essay competition, said the top finalists emerged after a fierce competition involving over 2,000 undergraduates across the country.

The Vice Chancellor Professor Adenike Oladiji has congratulated Emmanuel Ojedele on the feat describing him as a Worthy Ambassador of FUTA. " This a wonderful feat and I heartily congratulate Emmanuel Ojedele for representing our University and for his achievement in the National competition. He has joined the growing number of our Undergraduate students who have become pace setters in national and international competitions. He is a pride to FUTA," the Vice Chancellor said.