FUTA Overview

CIPSSON FUTA Elects New Officers

The Chartered Institute of Professional Secretarial Staff of Nigeria (CIPSSON) Federal University of Technology Akure (FUTA) chapter has elected new executive officers to direct its affairs for the next four years with effect from 26th June 2024.
The under listed are the new executives:
1. Mrs. Ajayi Bunmi Elizabeth - President
2. Mr. Ebinowen Olusina Stephen- Vice President
3. Mrs. Akinlade Ramat Temitope - General Secretary
4. Mrs. Bamikole Ayotope Kemisola - Assistant General Secretary
5. Mrs. Babalola Toluwase - Treasurer
6. Miss Fadiora Olubukola Olubusayo - Financial Secretary
7. Mrs. Agboola Eunice Abimbola - Public Relations Officer
The Vice Chancellor Professor Adenike Oladiji has admonished the executive officers to deploy accountability, probity and dedication to duty while carrying out their responsibilities.
She said the position was trust bestowed upon them by their colleagues and therefore must not be handled with levity.
On their part, the executive officers pledged their unalloyed support to the university management and dedicated service towards the continued growth and development of the Institute and the University.