FUTA Overview

School of Sciences First Annual Conference (17th - 20th July 2012)

For more information concerning this conference, visit: http://sos.futa.edu.ng/docs/sosfirstannual.pdf 

The theme of this conference is Science and Technology in an Evolving Economy.

Participants and delegates are expected to arrive at the conference venue and commence registration from 12 noon on Tuesday 17th July 2012. The opening ceremony is scheduled for Wednesday 18th July at 9.00am, followed by Plenary session at 10.30pm and excursion to Idanre hills at 3.00pm same day. Technical sessions will hold on Thursday 19th July at 9.00am at different venues to be announced. Friday 20th July is slated for departure.

Call for Papers

Abstracts of original scientific research or excellent review articles (if not more than 200 words, type-written using MS Word, double spaced, 12pt font size in Times New Roman, on one side of A4 paper with 2.5cm margines on all sides) should be sent to the following addresses not later than 17th June 2012:

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

The title of the manuscripts should be in upper case, centre aligned and followed by the name(s) of the authors (corresponding author or presenter at the conference should be asterisked) and their postal addresses and e-mail.

The papers should encompass the general theme and sub-themes focusing on recent trends in research and development in various fields of science.

Good quality papers will be peer-reviewed and accepted papers will be published in a special edition of the schools journal. Therefore, participants should come along with an electronic copy of the full paper and three hard copies.

For more information concerning the conference: http://sos.futa.edu.ng/docs/sosfirstannual.pdf 

For more information concerning the School of Sciences, visit: http://sos.futa.edu.ng