FUTA Overview

FUTA collaborates with Leading Universities in Brazil

FUTA collaborates with Leading Universities in Brazil

All is set for the Federal University of Technology, Akure to collaborate with the Federal University of Santa, Catarina, in Brazil. The collaboration, according to the Director, International Strategy Office (ISO), Professor Thomas Ofuya is a fall out of a visit by a delegation from FUTA in March 2019 to Brazil to sign a Protocol of Cooperation between the Celebrate Education and Engineering Foundation of Santa Catarina (a state in Brazil) and FUTA in the city capital, Florianopolis. Ofuya who led the delegation to Brazil said the content of the collaboration includes the establishment of technical, scientific, cultural and administrative exchanges for the development of extension, research, innovation, courses, internships, consulting, advisory and other related services deemed necessarily feasible and of interest for joint ventures. He said while on the visit, FUTA was given the privilege to make presentations which unveiled numerous areas of collaboration covering mechanical and civil engineering, metal mechanics, agriculture, energy nanotechnology and so on.

The collaboration affords FUTA opportunities to collaborate with the seven state universities of Parana:

UEL- Universidade Estadual De Londrina

UEM- Universidade Estadual De Maringa

UEPG- Universidade Estadual De Ponta Grossa

UNIDESTE- Universidade Estadual Do Oeste Do Parana

UNICENTRO- Universidade Estadual Do Centro-Oeste

UENP- Universidade Estadual Do Norte Do Parana

UNESPAR- Universidade Estadual Do Parana

The delegation from FUTA also visited University of Sao Paulo where two staff of the University are currently undergoing Doctoral training in an ongoing Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), and UNINTER Centro Universitario Internacional in Curitiba which is a world class renowned Centre for Distance Learning for a prospective collaboration in boosting FUTA’s Distance Learning effort.

The Vice Chancellor, Professor Joseph Fuwape commended the effort of the Director, ISO, Professor Ofuya and his team, stating that FUTA will keep increasing its global relevance with collaborations with reputable world class institutions. He urged staff and students to avail themselves of the opportunities such collaborations offer.