FUTA Overview

FUTA Registry Workshop for Year 2024

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The Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA), Nigeria' leading University of Technology has carved a niche for itself in the comity of Higher Education Institutions in Nigeria as a research-intensive institution of repute, having being consistently listed in the top ten ranking of Universities in Nigeria in the last ten years. FUTA recently emerged the 2nd best university in Nigeria bythe Times Higher Education (THE) Ranking of 2023. The FUTA Registry Annual Lecture, which commenced in 2009, has become a growing tradition and has assumed enviable heights. As part of its vision towards building world-class administrators, the FUTA Registry has organized national and international training workshops for administrators in tertiary institutions across the country overthe years. The training workshops have helped in developing and exposing administrators in tertiary institutions, research centres and institutes to best practices in administration and strategies for human resource development. Attendance at the previous Registry workshops has been very impressive and the feedbacks from participants very encouraging. The workshops have attracted participants from tertiary institutions across Nigeria and other countries like Ghana, Togo, United Kingdom, Canada and Israel. This year's edition promises to be enriching and inspiring. The training workshop will commence on Monday, 20th May, 2024 and end with the Registry Annual Lecture on Tuesday, 21st May, 2024. The Lecture is themed "Leveraging on Artificial Intelligence for Enhanced Performance in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)". The Lecture will be delivered by a distinguished IT expert, Mr. Joel Ogunsola, Chief Executive Officer, Prunege.

Contact Details

Office of the Registrar,
Federal University of Technology,
P.M.B.704, Akure,
+234 08033017392
[email protected]



Production tools in a digital environment help to set goals, assign tasks, track progress, create reports and initiate communication in real time. They can optimize work process by automating routine tasks, enabling you to multitask efficiently and making the most of time, while keeping productivity at its peak. While the general expectation is focused on research brea kthroughs of the academia, the HEIS, being a system, can only deliver on their mandates if all their components are properly positioned and functioning effectively an efficiently. That is the reason this workshop is organized to further sensitize the HEI Ad ministrators a nd hone their skills for impactful service delivery. FUTA Registry has carved a niche for itself as a resource pool in Nigeria, and that has been made possible through training and re-training of its workforce. Staff of the Registry are encouraged and supported to attend trainings, workshops and conferences within and outside Nigeria, while similar educational fora are created in the University as part of the Registry's contributions to manpower development and upliftrnent of our nation.


The objectives of the Workshop are to:

  • Create an avenue for HE Administratorsto understand the role of digital technologies in HEI administration;
  • Encourage robust discourse and networking a mong participants;
  • Bringto the fore, best practices in HEI Administration in a digital environment;
  • Sensitize participants on their roles in the mandates oftheir respective HEIs;
  • Improve the productivity of every participant in their HEIS a nd, by extension, in our nation.

Workshop Themes


Arrival: Sunday, 19th May, 2024
Workshop: Monday, 20th May to Tuesday, 21st May, 2024
Venue; University Ma in Auditorium
Keynote Address 1: Optimizing Digital Tools for Performance Measurement for Productivity and Efficiency in HEIS
Keynote Address 2: Harnessing Environmental Opportunities for Improved Productivity and Efficiency in HEIs
Annual Lecture: Tuesday, 21st May, 2024
Departure: Wednesday, 22nd May, 2024

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