The Conference Organizing Committee on behalf of the School of Earth and Mineral Sciences is pleased to invite Researchers and Earth Scientists to her 1st Conference on Earth and Mineral Sciences scheduled for 2nd – 5th December, 2014. The Purpose of the Conference is to provide a forum for discussion of current researches and debut in new frontiers of knowledge in Earth Sciences particularly, in connection with sustainable development.
The Objective of the conference is to support academics and policy makers in strengthening capacities in the exploration and exploitation of Earth resources as well as its environmental developments.
Presentations are invited to cover topics relevant to the following sub-themes within the field of Geology, Geophysics, Meteorology, Geo-information System, Marine Science and the Physical Sciences.
Abstracts are invited for oral presentations. The abstract must be written in English Language (MS Words, Times New Roman and 12 Font size) not more than 250 words. There should be five key words provided and the title should be in bold capital letters followed by full names (Surname first), affiliation and email address.
Abstracts are to be submitted on line as attachment to the following e-mail addresses.
All enquiries should be forwarded to Chairman Local Organisation Committee
Professor J.A. Akinyede
School of Earth and Mineral Sciences
Federal University of Technology,
PMB 704, Akure.